Thursday, May 14, 2015

Stockley Gardens This Weekend

I am amazed that for twenty-three years I have been privileged to go to Norfolk VA and do the Stockley Gardens Arts Festival. Twice a year, forty-five times totaled, I have loaded up and delivered, set up and sold. The only one I missed was right after 9-11... This one promises to be beautiful weather - Please Lord - and it will be great to see my friends and patrons; they started me out and gave the support and encouragement I needed. It is so gratifying to see children once in strollers, who over the years have grown up with my work, now pushing strollers of their own and buying works of art for their homes! I've lived too long! Ty is staying at the house in St Augustine and Gail and I are making this trip - a tradition for us for sure... And below are some of the new works I'll be bringing along. I am experimenting with oil pastel. I can't ever see me shifting mediums, but this one has rather captivated my creative sense in that there are some many things which can be done to enhance a piece, give it texture, and embellish the canvas - but do I want that? The jury is out on this one; I'll know when I know... for now it is good to refresh the juices with new experiments in new ideas... Looking forward to seeing you at Stockley this weekend or at the new show in Urbana (Arts in the Middle) on May 30-31... I was honored to be invited as a Featured Artist and am looking forward to kicking off this show for the area "in the middle." More before then...
Classic Barnes Floral
30 x 30

Lolly and Meg
24 x 24

12 x 12

My Garden
24 x 48
(Absolutely a knock-out painting according to the Supreme Court)

Oil Pastel Lady I
12 x 12
(Note the crayon like effect)

Oil Pastel Lady II
12 x 12

Lady Lillian
24 x 24

House on the Cape
18 x 18

Homeward Bound
24 x 24

Toasted Friends
16 x 20

Another Toast to the Night
30 x 30
(Classic Variation on a Classic Theme)

16 x20

Bess and Lila
16 x 20

12 x 12

24 x 24

Village on the River
18 x 18

Structured Lily
12 x 12
(Here's what I do with modeling paste applied to the canvas and then painted over)

Soft Garden
12 x 12

12 x 12

Oil Lady III
16 x 20
(A nices mix of watercolor and oil pastel)

24 x 24
(Complete coverage with oil pastel over the watercolor base)

30 x 30
(Done from a study of photos shot of Gail in the studio one afternoon)

12 x 12

Oil Floral
16 x 20