What a fantastic weekend... Gail and I made it to Norfolk VA on Thursday nite to sit down to a wonderful meal done by our dear hosts Barbara and Jim Reynolds. Barbara is always trying new recipes and this one was an Alfredo Concreto... so named because she was disappointed in the cream sauce... I had three helpings before I could decide just how good it was! On Friday Ben Crumrine and Walt Kelley came to help set up the show in Stockley Gardens and we were done in record time. Walt especially made the heroic effort of driving from NC up to Norfolk just to put together the tent. (How do I get such wonderful friends?) Ben is one of Tyler's buddies from way back and he is one of those totally Zen creatures who brings peace where ever he goes. Friday night we actually just sat around the kitchen table and played Dominoes! Saturday AM we were at the show and started selling immeditely. Lots of collectors came by and they were happy to take the new pieces off the walls and into their homes. Continual amazement on all our parts! Jim Reynolds worked the crowd and Barbara worked the charge machine and Gail acted as hostess for the multitudes! Talk about team work... Judy Hautala came in from Washington DC for the 36th time in our 18 year history of doing this show. On Saturday nite we were treated to a fine feast at the No Frill Grill even though Jerry and Deborah were in Ashville for vacation. Got to see him Saturday when he came by the show, straight out of the travel mist.... So many great friends came by to say "Hello," encourage me about the new images, and share a few lines about thier lives. New buddy John took this clown shot for posterity! In the wrap up: I took 34 pieces and sold 17! Great show! I am in the studio this AM, ordering more canvas, frames, paint and planning the display for Marlboro MA Paradise City Show Novemeber 19, 20 and 21st. Check out www.paradisecityarts.com . Am so looking forward to painting more. Am so blest to have an appreciative public and so humbled by my friends' love!
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