Some much influence from the master's I study; This one is a rendition of the Klimt piece I recently sold in Boca Raton. 

Another new approach to the floral, this one was inspired by Egon Schile who is my new favorite artist...

I have loved looking at this piece. It's in the same line as my Kandinsky Villages, but the new lighting, coloring techniques have given this one a particular interest...

These Ladies kindda grew out of the same re-paint process as the first post. The lighting in this one is especially interesting...

Thought I'd never got this one off the boards. I painted it about four times before I settled on this deep tone, rich hued presentation...

Well it's hard to believe that for the eighth year in a row I am driving to CA for a few weeks... La Quinta Arts Foundation is the first show I did eight years ago when Glen Cole and I began to work on the business plan he developed for my small company. I was dazzled and amazed by the whole affair, having done only the two Stockley shows a year for 10 years. It was new territory and I remember when we got to CA, I called Gail as she was buckling down under 6' of snow back home in Denver: I was down to a t-shirt and riding with the wind in my hair! Glen and I got there a little before the tent set-up was finished (I had to rent tents because I had never purchased one) and we sat under the canopy with the welcome basket the Foundation brought by... complete with a bottle of fine red wine! Oh, we thought we were really in "high cotton!" Of all the things I value in my Denver experience, the one thing that changed my life the most was meeting Glen and having his expertise added to my talent. He catapulted me into the Big League with his encouragement, planning, guidance, and business acuem. Thank You Glen!
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