With my Mom's (Mudder's) death, came the time of sorting out many years (87) of living. She had downsized and so the process was not too cumbersome or drawnout; really very sweet for my sisters and brother. We shared tears and laughs and fond memories of days now past. Among the many photos she had saved, my brother Michael, came across this one. It is of the two sisters, Bess and Lila, who for 20 years have been the inspiration for many many of my paintings. I am now designing a booth sign which will keep these ladies in my space and remind me of the childhood visits to Savannah. Bess is the one on the left and Lila is, of course, on the right. For those of my collectors who have known the story of the two "grand dames," this is proof that I was not making up a good story! Enjoy!