I write this early in the morning of December 31st, in a reflective mood but also anticipating the new year and all it's possibility.
Thoroughly Modern Maddie
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In November of this year, I placed some pieces in Mary Martin Gallery in Charleston SC. Mary had found me when I first began painting in Denver CO and bought a Long Neck Lady for her personal collection. She contacted me after some 12 years and asked if I might be interested in showing in her gallery. It was a no-brainer because she has a beautiful place on Broad St. in the artsy district of downtown (and just 2 hours from my studio!). A few sold right off and I sent more. A day or two later, Mary called and asked if I minded meeting someone who was interested in my art via the phone. I was pleased to meet Rob Harris, principal in De Fine Art, Atlanta GA. Rob and his father have had a successful art agency for 20 years, have developed a network of galleries, and sell artists from all over the world, Alvar to name one. Rob invited me to Atlanta with the intention of developing a professional relationship whereby I might sell my work to some 60 galleries in the US. After much noodling and working out details, and trying on the new approach, Tyler and I went to the showroom in Atlanta and were bowled over with the prospects. I was flattered and embarrassed and excited and all the things one would be with such an offer. I knew, however, it would mean a business model change, having planned something like this when I turned 70 and could not put up the tent any more. But you know the old adage, "man makes plans, God laughs!" The Beloved often interrupts my plans to direct me towards the next place I am to be and it seems like this is ordained... if for no other reason than to teach me humility! On the way home from the meeting, Tyler said, "You know Dad, you were finally sitting in a room with three other men of integrity who want you to be successful. Did you feel the goodness all around you?" And I did, at that moment I realized he had seen into a dynamic that I have not had before. I have been the lone wolf for so long I did not even recognize the pack! And it feels good. I am amazed and humbled by this support and have reckoned that I will trust in the Almighty and His provision. What comes of this is all fantasy until we get some days behind us. But Rob and Robert Harris have taken it on to accept my work, frame it, and negotiate with their network of galleries to sell my art work. I am honored and thankful.
Girls of Color
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What does this mean for my business? Well, first of all, I will not have to do as many shows. I will still travel to some of the "musts." Stockley Gardens in May and October is a must. The folks there have been faithful and true to supporting me, some owning as many as 27 pieces over the 20 years of painting. La Quinta Arts Festival is a must, if for no other reason than to visit with my dear friends Bill and Denise Zolbert who have opened their hearts and home to me for the two weeks of showing. Alexandria is also a must because I have developed a following there which I can not disregard. Perhaps Chicago still hits the list because Bob and Bev Seiffert live there and the Gold Coast show is proving to be worth the 34 hour round trip.
It also means that my prices have doubled. A great shock to me and perhaps to those who have collected me over the years. Great for them in that their work has suddenly doubled in value! A shock because they are not used to the higher prices. The Harrises were good to let me keep my relationships in tact, and with the collectors I will always have a price for their loyalty.
The other big change is that I will no longer offer prints. This part of the business is steady and profitable - when I promote it - but it might be interesting to note that over the past year, I have purposefully not promoted it. Seemed like I was returning to my roots already; I went into the print business reluctantly. I really just wanted to do originals but I am not sorry I followed good advice and developed it. I met some wonderful folks along this path.
I am excited about the future. I have painted many pieces for the first onslaught of gallery sales. Now we see. I will try to keep posted the events... good or bad. Whatever chapter in my career this comprises, it needs to be written. And maybe, read.
Here are some of the latest pieces, many going to Atlanta and points beyond, many going to the Florida shows I had booked and paid for and so must attend.
The Red Watering Can
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Floral Scribble
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Sara, Samantha and Serette |
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Dotty Diva
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Bella in the City
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Hey Daddy!
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